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Pope Francis Sinfully Breaks Hearts

By Charlotte Robinson, March 16, 2021

As Italy once again imposes a lockdown due to the increasing cases of COVID Pope Francis makes a decree declaring that the Vatican will not bless gay & lesbian unions calling them a “sin”. Great move to stir up hate in the time of a global pandemic by creating more homophobic PR for the Catholic Church. Another example of instead of bringing the world together in this time of crisis let’s continue down this destructive path of division. Cathy Renna, Communications Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “One step forward, then a few hundred years of steps back. A majority of American Catholic adults (nearly 70%) support marriage equality, my family amongst them. The hierarchy is so out of touch & Pope Francis, who may have tried to make some small amount of progress, is surrounded by a structure that is failing in it values & failing the people in the pews.” How quickly the Pope changes his position after less than a year ago he stated, "Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They're children of God & have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it. What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered." Once again the Vatican also wrongly states that being gay or lesbian is a "choice" describing our LGBTQ community as sinful & that we "cannot be recognized as objectively ordered" to God's plans. Right we choose to be hated by you in order to live authentically. So now instead of evolving the Vatican is declaring that our entire LGBTQ community are not the children of God. An unbelievably ignorant stance coming from an institution that has paid out millions of dollars to victims because of their sinful predator behavior.

1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Choosing who to love is every person's right ...HOWEVER, clergymen committing acts of violence against children while the Church looks the other way...THAT is the sin!

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