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Poll Finds 18 Million LGBTQ Americans

By Charlotte Robinson, March 04, 2021

According to a recent Gallup poll more Americans than ever before identify LGBTQ which is an increase of 60% between 2012 & 2020 of adults. Researchers say the findings are partly due to an emerging generation of young people who have chosen to live openly with an identity other than heterosexual. Polling determined the group leading the growth in LGBTQ identity are members of Generation Z or those aged 18 to 23. About one in six or 15.9%, identify as LGBTQ. Identification gradually declined with each older generation. Just 2% or less of Americans born before 1965 identified as LGBTQ. Jeff Jones Gallup Senior Editor states, “It reflects what we are seeing in society & the way society is changing. Younger people are growing up in an environment where being gay, lesbian or bisexual is not as taboo as it was in the past”. According to the new survey data a record 5.6% of American adults an estimated 18 million identify as LGBTQ up from 4.5% in the organization’s last polling year in 2017. Ineke Mushovic, Movement Advancement Project Executive concluded, “Less than 20 years ago, just being in a gay or lesbian relationship could be a crime. Now, LGBTQ people can marry the person they love & the Supreme Court found just last year that it’s not legal to fire someone just for being LGBTQ.” In the survey of who identified as LGBTQ, 54.6 % of respondents identified as bisexual, 24.5% as gay, 11.7% as lesbian & 11.3% as transgender. More than 3% said they used another term to describe their identity like as queer or pansexual. For More Info....

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