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The Center NYC LGBTQ Women’s Event

By Charlotte Robinson, November 01, 2021

The Center NYC’s LGBTQ Community Center annual Women’s Event will take place Saturday November 6th at 583 Park Avenue in New York City at 6P. This year they’re honoring renowned author Roxane Gay with the Community Impact Award, international pop sensation Kim Petras with the Trailblazer Award & global financial leader Morgan Stanley with the Corporate Impact Award. Glennda Testone, The Center’s Executive Director stated, "Women’s Event is a perfect moment to recognize leaders who reflect The Center’s own commitment to helping our community dismantle barriers they encounter & challenge systems that perpetuate inequity. The funds we raise this evening make it possible for The Center to realize that commitment—to continue breaking barriers so that women & all LGBTQ people, can thrive.” Author Roxane Gay concluded,"One thing I have known to be true, throughout my life, is that words, when used fiercely, can be incredibly powerful & for those of us who are marginalized, fierce words are, all too often, all we have to make our voices heard, to demand change. As a writer, I have done what I can to use my voice to create change within the communities I am a part of. It has been the greatest blessing that so many people have found resonance in what I have to say. It is also incredibly gratifying when my work is recognized. I am honored to be receiving the Community Impact Award. I see it as a call to action & I will answer that call." All guests will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. For More Info & Tix…

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