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Pulse Nightclub Massacre & Gun Control

By Charlotte Robinson, June 12, 2022

During Pride six years ago I woke up to the horrific news about the Pulse Nightclub Massacre in Orlando where 49 people were killed by a homophobic deranged person with an assault rifle. Now six years later in 2022 our country is overwhelmed by AR-15 armed domestic terrorists murdering innocent people & children & once again Congress still can’t seem to pass obvious sensible gun legislation that would prevent future brutal, hate-fueled violence attacks. Recently Brandon J Wolf, Pulse Nightclub survivor stated, “To every politician who scapegoats mental illness, saying that simply addressing our poor mental health infrastructure will end gun violence: show me the bill. Show me the bill to make physical & mental health care free at the point of care for people in this country. Show me the bill to end the for-profit scam that is our healthcare system & put in place a system that does what you say we need.” I talked to Brandon in 2018 about his experience on that horrendous night six years ago that claimed the lives of 49 people & left 53 injured most of who were LGBTQ Latinx people & people of color about what his personal commitment is to LGBTQ equality. Wolf stated, “My personal commitment is that we continue to move forward; that we continue to move towards a place where we don’t have to feel like we’re fighting for our rights every single day. A place where you can’t be fired just for being LGBTQ; a place where harassment & discrimination are not legalized; a place where I don’t have to go to a nightclub looking for the exits because I don’t fear someone is going to harm me for who I am.” LISTEN

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