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Georgia Advances Religious Bigotry Bill

By Charlotte Robinson, March 01, 2024

The Georgia Senate has advanced Senate Bill 180 that gives license to discriminate by allowing religious beliefs to be used as a justification for violating the basic civil rights of others. Bentley Hudgins HRC Georgia State Director stated, “If Senate Bill 180 becomes law, it could lead to LGBTQ+ Georgians – not to mention women, religious minorities & other vulnerable communities – being turned away from a business, denied housing or refused service because of who they are or who they love. Religious freedom is already deeply embedded in the U.S. & Georgia constitutions & it must not be wielded as a weapon to violate the basic civil rights of others. Lawmakers in the Georgia House of Representatives should quickly reject this discriminatory bill.” The Georgia Chamber of Commerce & Metro Atlanta Chamber have publicly opposed SB 180 stating “We believe it is best to focus on issues like workforce development, infrastructure & education which move our state forward & improve the quality of life for all Georgians. … we oppose any efforts, including SB 180, that would undermine the state’s strong reputation we have built together.” More than 300 major U.S. corporations have spoken out to oppose anti-LGBTQ legislation being proposed in states across the country. Major employers in tech, manufacturing, hospitality, health care, retail & other sectors are joining together to say that discrimination is bad for business & to call on lawmakers to abandon these efforts. A similar 2015 bill in Indiana resulted in the loss of 12 conventions & had a negative economic impact of up to $60 million in losses.

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