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Gay & Lesbian Veterans Day Request

By Charlotte Robinson, November 11, 2011
On this first Veterans Day after the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) has called upon the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to do more for our LGBT Vets. This includes issuing a directive to all VA personnel making it clear that all veterans & their families are to be treated with respect & dignity regardless of their sexual orientation. To take steps to ensure that partners of gay & lesbian veterans have the same visitation rights as partners of straight veterans, similar to the recent HHS directive to protect hospital patients’ right to choose their own visitors during a hospital stay. Also to extend to legally married partners of gay & lesbian veterans the rights, benefits & privileges available to the spouses of veterans, to the extent permitted by the Defense of Marriage Act. FYI, yesterday The Respect of Marriage Act cleared the US Senate Panel which is an important step in repealing DOMA. We wish all our brave LGBT vets & their families & all vets a Fabulous & Proud Veterans Day!! Updates to Come...:)
For More Info: sldn.org
Exclusive Audio Chat with Rep Frank, on Federal LGBT civil rights, coming out, LGBTQ teen bullying & more...

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Aubrey Sarvis said...

We are not advocating any special treatment for LGBT veterans or their families, but we want to underscore that all military families should be treated the same when it comes to recognition, benefits and family support. We are concerned that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has not fully prepared for these new circumstances, and this concern has been heightened by media reports of instances in which gay and lesbian veterans have been mistreated or disrespected by VA personnel.

Aubrey Sarvis Army Veteran and SLDN Executive Director

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