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Rep Barney Frank to View Coming Out Film

By Charlotte Robinson, November 06, 2011
UPDATE: Rep Frank on LGBT Federal Rights
Congressman Barney Frank will be in attendance of MOM & DAD: I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU Israeli TV Host & Filmmaker Assi Azar coming out film, in support of OUT in ISRAEL MONTH, the celebration of Israel & Massachusetts vibrant LGBT culture & community. The screening will be at the Brattle Theatre in Cambridge today Nov 6th at 2P. Openly gay Rep Barney Frank, a fierce advocate for our LGBT community, once stated, “I'm used to being in the minority. I'm a left-handed gay Jew. I've never felt, automatically, a member of any majority.” Assi Azar will be in attendance for a Q&A following the film. Throughout November OUT in ISRAEL MONTH is an event launched by the Consulate General of Israel to New England co-sponsored by the American Jewish Committee, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, the Jewish Communities Relations Council, the Israel Campus Roundtable & the Boston LGBT Film Festival. The David Project, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defendants (GLAD), as well as StandWithUs are also on board with their support of this important global event.
For More Info: outinisraelmonth.com

Exclusive Audio Chat with Assi Azar, TV host of the Israeli version of the Big Brother about his coming out film “Mom & Dad: I Have Something to Tell You” & more...
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Dan Savage said...

Congressman Barney Frank gives credit where credit is due: to courageous LGBT youth who are coming out in ever-larger numbers, liberating themselves from their closets while at the same time liberating their heterosexual peers from their prejudices. Not every LGBT kid is in a position to come out—some are trapped in families and communities that are simply too hateful for a kid to risk coming out—but more and more LGBT kids are out and they’re helping to change the world.

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