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Anti-Gay Words Gone From Defense Budget

By Charlotte Robinson, December 04, 2011
It’s been almost a year since the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. Yesterday our gay & lesbian military dodged another bullet as the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act or the Defense Budget. While it doesn't include any language to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) it did strip the homophobic amendments of Rep. Vicky Hartzer (R-MO) & Rep. Todd Akin (D-MO) that the House passed that would reaffirm DOMA as it applies to the armed forces. This would have included bans on military chaplains from performing same-gender marriages in states where gay marriage is legal. This may appear as a baby step in getting rid of DOMA but at least it’s a step forward. The bill will now go to conference committee where differences will be addressed. Updates to Come...:)
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1 comment:

Aubrey Sarvis said...

The Senate has taken a responsible path and passed its National Defense Authorization Act without harmful language included by the House that is really nothing more than an assault on our nation’s senior military leaders and rank and file service members, who are implementing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' successfully. The House version represents a partisan political attempt to interject the same-gender marriage debate and other unrelated social issues into the NDAA where they have no place. At Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, we urge the leadership to appoint conferees who will see this stunt for what it is and reject this language in conference.

Aubrey Sarvis Executive Director Servicemembers Legal Defense Network

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