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The Advocate on Anti Gay Santorum

By Charlotte Robinson, April 09, 2012
As social conservatives search for a hero it’s a shame that Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s anti gay views have helped him claim the mantle of religious freedom fighter. In The Advocate’s May issue Lucas Grindley examines how Santorum shot to the top of the Republican primary field, rallied the party’s religious conservatives and what his new influence means for the future of the GOP. No one predicted that the man who once compared gay sex to bestiality and pedophilia, who had lost reelection to the U.S. Senate by 18 points in 2006, would challenge Mitt Romney’s presidential bid in state after state. LGBT activists always doubted Santorum could ever beat Romney however what’s most shocking to them aren’t his chances of winning the nomination but that he can win anything at all. “You could knock me over with a drop of Santorum. I am completely blown away by this,” Dan Savage, the mastermind of the Google-bomb that forever redefined Rick’s last name. Savage who had dismissed Santorum’s Iowa win as a chance for more moderate voters in other states to prove his views are big political losers, remains baffled by Santorum’s success continuing, “Whatever it is, it’s terrifying.” Grindley points out that what is most worrisome is that Santorum’s public statements show he goes further than any other candidate in campaigning against LGBT people under the banner of “religious freedom.”
Read Complete Advocate Article on Santorum….
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