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Gay Marriage Support Rises in America

By Charlotte Robinson, April 26, 2012
The good news of the week is that the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press (PRC), has found that 47 percent of American people are in favor of allowing gay & lesbian couples to legally marry. Of course we still have to deal with the 43 percent who oppose marriage equality. At least this is yet another growing body of evidence that the country is increasingly moving towards the direction of marriage equality. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press (PRC), tested three controversial issues including gun control, gay marriage & abortion as the presidential campaigns heat-up & compared the results to those conducted by the same organization in 2004 & 2008. In 2004 when gay marriage became legal in Massachusetts eight years ago the support for marriage equality stood at 31% & the opposition at 60%. In 2008, the division stood at 39% in favor & 51% opposed. Now it stands at 47% in support & 43% opposed marking the first time the majority favored gay marriage. So it will be interesting to see if Obama will finally come to terms with his evolvement on marriage equality & support this issue like the majority of Americans do. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Australian Director Anne Renton about her new must-see film THE PERFECT FAMILY starring Kathleen Turner, Emily Deschanel as a lesbian and Jason Ritter that opens May 4th in NYC, LA & on demand with a wide release on May 11th. Anne shares intimate stories of how the movie came about & her spin on LGBT issues. @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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