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Happy Passover to Our LGBT Community

By Charlotte Robinson, April 07, 2012
At sundown yesterday Passover the Jewish holiday began. It’s interesting that this year in 2012 Passover falls on Good Friday. Passover celebrates the story of Jewish liberation from slavery in Egypt & features readings from the Haggadah the Book of Exodus in the Torah. For our Jewish LGBT community this is an excellent time to reflect about our own equality & liberation globally. Though we seem at times to be making small steps forward to full equality remember that every step counts. Rabbi Nadia Siritsky says that the core messages of Passover easily translate to the updated emphasis. The Hebrew word for Egypt is mitzrayim, which means "narrow place.” Each generation has the charge to "seek out freedom for ourselves & others & to help people who are in narrow places to find freedom." In that sense "coming out" openly to family, friends or anyone can be liberation for people who feel the need to hid their sexual orientation, said Annette Gross, a Jewish parent who has been with PFLAG about 10 years. When the Jews left Egypt, "they were able to be free & who they were supposed to be," said Gross. The experience is similar for our LGBT community who still feel they must hide their sexual orientation, a key part of who we really are. So if you haven’t come out to your family this is an excellent weekend to do so. If you’re not Jewish you’re in luck being that Easter is this Sunday as well. To our entire OUTTAKE family we wish you & your families a Fabulous Holiday Weekend!!!
Exclusive Audio Chat with Jeffrey Sanker, the premier producer of gay extravaganzas, about his event the White Party 3D Experience that takes place this weekend April 6th through the 9th in Palm Springs, CA. For More Info: @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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