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Obama Playing Politics With Gay Rights

By Charlotte Robinson, April 12, 2012
This was a disappointing but expected announcement as White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett told representatives from gay rights groups yesterday that the President wouldn't be signing an executive order on LGBT non-discrimination for federal contractors anytime soon. “While it is not our usual practice to discuss executive orders that may or may not be under consideration, we do not expect that an executive order on LGBT non-discrimination for federal contractors will be issued at this time. We support legislation that has been introduced & we will continue to work with congressional sponsors to build support for it,” she told members of the Center for American Progress, Freedom to Work, HRC & the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Last week in our Easter post we told you about Jarrod Scarbrough & Les Sewell traveling from Albuquerque, New Mexico to attend with their 8 year old daughter Monday's Easter Egg Roll with their agenda to ask Obama to sign an executive order banning workplace discrimination by any federal contractor on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Well we’re sorry to say that fairytale didn’t work. So now our LGBT community is in a holding pattern probably until after the election because the Obama administration thinks perhaps that it would be political suicide to make a pro-gay move between now & November. The thing that is interesting about this is that Mitt Romney actually told the Nashua Telegraph back in November that, “I favor gay rights. I don’t believe in discriminating in employment or opportunity for gay individuals.” Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Amit Dixit, Communications Director of the Boston LGBT Film Festival which is celebrating its 28th year and runs from May 3rd to the 13th @ OUTTAKE VOICES
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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