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Aqua Girl '12 Miami Beach May 2-6

By Charlotte Robinson, April 19, 2012
This year’s Aqua Girl® festival promises to be the biggest yet with a star-studded line up that includes comedienne Jessica Kirson doing her stand-up act & The Beach House pool party will feature celebrity DJ Tracy Young. Now celebrating its 13th year Aqua Girl® is a week long women who love women event in Miami’s South Beach area that provides women from all over the world a safe place to mingle, network & have a fabulous time. The event which takes place May 2nd through May 6th will feature something for every woman with an array of pool & dance parties, comedy shows, film screenings, cocktail receptions & fitness workshops with the proceeds going to Aqua Foundation for Women. What began as a one night breast cancer benefit in 1999 has grown into the largest charity women’s week in the country, having raised more than $1.8 million dollars for the Aqua Foundation for Women. Aqua Girl has been attended by thousands of women, all with the focus of having a good time for a great cause. Serving as a funding catalyst for lesbian, bisexual & transgender wellness & equality in South Florida, Aqua Foundation for Women has awarded thousands of dollars in funding to the community, through grants, scholarships & initiatives. “Aqua Foundation for Women is the only nonprofit foundation in our community that focuses solely on LBT women so it is critical we continue leading, building & transforming South Florida,” said Aqua Foundation for Women Executive Director, Robin Schwartz. “As our largest fundraiser, Aqua Girl® is not only an amazing time for the women who join us but an essential source of funding.” Attendance at the festival has been rising year after year & 2012 will feature 14 culturally diverse events that encompass the best of the famous South Beach scene. For Full Event Schedule & Tix: aquagirl.org Exclusive Audio Chat with Dr. Robin Gans about GIRL BAR DINAH SHORE WEEKEND LAS VEGAS April 27th to 29th. Robin talks about the move to Las Vegas & her spin on crucial issues facing our LGBT community @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ OUTTAKE VOICES™ NOW ON HUFFINGTON POST...:) Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™ SUPPORT OUR QUEST @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:) View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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