UPDATE: Photos Are Begin Accepted Until Monday :)
Positively Aware is asking people to take a digital photograph on Friday September 21st
to record a moment of their day that will focus the world’s attention on the daily trials & triumphs of people living with HIV. For the third year A Day with HIV will help remove the stigma of HIV & advance an international community of care through this collective photographic portrait. Anyone can record a special image, a time with friends & family, at work or play, or any moment in the day that helps people better understand how HIV impacts people, loved ones, colleagues & communities. Jeff Berry, Editor of Positively Aware magazine stated, "By coming together on one single day, we can build a virtual community of support & help raise awareness about HIV not only in our own communities but everywhere. Our hope is that by bringing together individuals from all walks of life, both HIV-positive & negative, we can not only show support for one another but we can also demonstrate to others that while HIV may affect us, it does not define us." Participants have until the following Tuesday, Sept. 25, to email their pictures, along with their names & a caption. The photographs will be featured in Positively Aware magazine's November December issue. A panel of judges will select 4 submitted pictures to appear on 4 different covers of the magazine. The panel of judges include bass player for the band Styx Chuck Panozzo, actress, activist Sheryl Lee Ralph & Diego Sanchez, Senior Legislative Adviser To Rep Barney Frank & the first openly trans person to work on Capitol Hill. Sanchez is also a national LGBT leader & HIV/AIDS advocate.To Submit Photos by Sept 25th...

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