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GOP Senator Collins For LGBT Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, September 19, 2012
Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) once again is proving her mettle as an ally & leader for LGBT families by becoming the first Republican to co-sponsor the Uniting American Families Act which will allow Americans the same ability to sponsor permanent same-gender partners for immigration purposes. Senator Susan Collins stated, "This legislation would simply update our nation's immigration laws to treat bi-national couples equally. More than two dozen countries recognize same-gender couples for immigration purposes. This important civil rights legislation would help prevent committed, loving families from being forced to choose between leaving their family or leaving their country." So at least one GOP Senator is brave enough & understands that gay rights are human rights. Let’s hope this legislation is put on the fast track to Obama by the end of 2012. Former Republican Congressman Jim Kolbe added, "I'm very pleased that Senator Collins has agreed to co-sponsor the United American Families Act. As an individual whose own relationship would be personally affected by the adoption of this legislation, I am hopeful Senator Collin's sponsorship will encourage other Republicans in the House and Senate to add their names as co-sponsors." Updates to Come…:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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