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Gay Marriage 20 Million More Campaign

By Charlotte Robinson, September 09, 2012
Marriage Equality USA has announced The Campaign for 20 Million More a coalition to win the freedom to marry & defeat anti equality ballot initiatives in election 2012. Brian Silva, MEUSA Executive Director stated, “This fall, over 20 million Americans will be affected by decisions surrounding marriage equality. We can all recall the joy & excitement felt by millions last spring when New York passed state-level marriage equality. Today, Marriage Equality USA is taking a bold step to help spread that joy across the nation by launching The Campaign for 20 Million More.” Stuart Gaffney, MEUSA Media Director added, “Voters are going to the ballot box in November to vote on marriage rights in Washington, Maine, Minnesota & Maryland. Marriage Equality USA members nationwide are eager to join grassroots efforts, both locally & in these four states, to share our personal stories with voters so they understand that our marriages mean the world to us & our families.” The campaign is an effort by local coalitions to support the efforts of marriage equality partners in Washington, Maine, Minnesota & Maryland as they face their own state battles this fall & to help educate the voters in those state regarding marriage equality. Joining the campaign means that we will help to recruit more members & volunteers to support local phone banks & participate in canvassing weekends in Washington, Maine, Minnesota & Maryland. This is crucial work to secure marriage equality. Updates to Come…:)
For More Info: 20millionmore.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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