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Gay Marriage Rallies Kick Off In Maine

By Charlotte Robinson, September 10, 2012
Mainers United for Marriage will hold a Yes on 1 Kick-off rally at 4 Maine locations throughout the state today. Maine is one of the states that has marriage equality on their November ballot. Last July we reported that a new poll conducted by Critical Insights of Portland showed 57 % of Mainers polled supported gay marriage just 3 years after residents defeated the gay marriage law in 2009. This is encouraging news but we must not become complacent at this crucial time. Especially with an anti gay homophobic presidential candidate like Mitt Romney on the campaign trail. The rallies will take place in Portland at Portland City Hall at 1P, at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Kennebunk starting at 5:30P, on the University of Maine Orono Campus Bangor Union from 6P to 8P & in Sanford at the Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church at 5 Lebanon Street starting at 5:30P. All rallies will provide speakers, an interactive presentation about the campaign & there will be food & refreshments available. They will also provide ample Yes on 1 lawn signs, bumper stickers, etc to ramp up our visibility throughout the state. This is an opportunity to learn all about the campaign as you help us celebrate the first YES on 1 campaign for marriage equality in Maine.
Updates to Come…:)
For More Info: mainersunited.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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