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Pro Gay Platform Is True Democracy

By Charlotte Robinson, September 01, 2012
As Labor Day Weekend begins the Democrats prepare for their national convention on Tuesday. What a different convention it will be after the homophobic, anti gay, anti abortion platform the Republican Convention delivered in Tampa. Mitt Romney promises if elected president he’ll provide 12 million jobs. Of course our LGBT community will be excluded from his plan. The Republican Party has been blocking the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (EDNA) for years to ensure that LGBT people have no federal protection against workplace discrimination in hiring, training, assignment, evaluation, compensation, promotion, retirement, or dismissal. However over 96% of Fortune 500 firms already offer this protection because it’s a proven best practice in the business world, but Republicans continue blocking its passage. For a flip-flop minute in the beginning of Romney’s Presidential campaign he was actually in favor of workplace equality for our LGBT community but now that he has the nomination you’ll never hear anything pro gay from his lips. We know Romney very well in Massachusetts. He’s will say anything & do anything in order to get elected. When he was running in the 90's against Ted Kennedy for the US Senate seat, Romney declared to gay-only audiences that he would fight for 'gay rights' & be a stronger gay advocate for us than Kennedy. Yet a few years later, when Romney was Governor & eyeing the Presidency, he led the charge against allowing our LGBT community the same marriage rights as other citizens in Massachusetts in either marriage or civil unions. So enjoy the holiday weekend. Recharge next week watching the DNC National Convention but keep your eyes open. Remember the sentiment of Nobel winning writer Sinclair Lewis, who stated “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag & carrying the cross.” Updates to Come…:) OUTTAKE VOICES™ NOW ON HUFFINGTON POST...:) Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™ SUPPORT OUR QUEST @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:) View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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