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Gay Marriage On Valentine’s Day

By Charlotte Robinson, February 14, 2013
Update: The Illinois Senate Voted to Approve Gay Marriage by a 34-21 vote!! HAPPY V-DAY!! :) 
Celebrating Freedom to Marry Week this Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14th loving, committed gay couples, accompanied by their friends & supporters will ask for marriage licenses in San Francisco, CA, Houston, TX, Columbus, OH & many other locales which marriage equality is not recognized. This is the 15th year in a row that couples have appeared at clerks’ offices across the country to request marriage licenses & to render the visible harm that excluding them from marriage causes them & their families. These annual action was started by Marriage Equality USA in the mid-90’s & now they have partnered with GetEQUAL, California Faith for Equality, the Foundation for Family, Marriage Equality in Texas & the Coalition of Welcoming Congregations. Pastor Rebecca Harrison who will lead couples at San Francisco City Hall stated, “Today we go to marriage license counters across the country to tell the stories of our LGBTIQ friends & family; to show that they live in every community & that we want to honor & protect their families just like everyone else. Love makes a marriage & the time for marriage equality is now." Rev. Rebecca F. Harrison is a Minister in the Presbyterian Church & a straight ally. Her father was a Presbyterian minister who supported civil rights in the South during the integration of the schools & beyond. This annual event has never been more important as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear the landmark marriage equality cases next month. Perhaps next year everyone can marry...:)
Happy Valentine’s Day To Our LGBT Community & Allies!! 
For More Info: requestmarriage.org

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