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New Poll Supports Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, February 20, 2013
With gay marriage headed to the Supreme Court next month, the Center for American Progress & GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders) have released the results of a national voter survey showing an increased public opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act, (DOMA) as a clear case of discrimination & support for equal treatment for legally married same-gender couples under federal law, even if the individual polled is generally opposed to marriage equality. Amy Simon, a partner at Goodwin Simon Strategic Research, who fielded the poll stated, “In 2013 registered voters have reached a tipping point, in which a majority (52 percent) favors allowing marriage for same-gender couples. However, an even larger portion—almost 6 in 10 respondents (59 percent)—oppose DOMA’s requirement that the federal government discriminate against those same-gender couples who are legally married by denying their marriage’s recognition.” Mary Bonauto, Civil Rights Project Director for GLAD stated, “With each passing day, more & more Americans are learning how DOMA denies important marital protections & heaps disrespect on married same-gender couples across the country & they’re saying, ‘Enough is enough.’ It’s not surprising that a majority of this country now believes that loving, committed couples in legal marriages should be treated fairly under federal law. It’s time for our laws to catch up with where public opinion is on abolishing DOMA.” The poll was conducted by Goodwin Simon Strategic Research & Voter Consumer Research. For Detailed Survey Chart …

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