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Obama Files Brief For Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, February 28, 2013
The Obama Administration has historically filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court urging the Court to end Proposition 8’s exclusion of gay & lesbian couples from marriage. The brief coupled with the brief that over 100 prominent Republicans also filed shows ever growing bipartisan support of what appears to be unstoppable momentum toward equality. Dozens of American companies have also signed the brief & that number is expected to rise. John Lewis Marriage Equality USA Legal Director stated, “The Administration’s brief should carry great weight with the Court. The President of the United States has now made clear to the Justices of the Supreme Court that the United States Constitution prohibits Proposition 8’s exclusion of lesbian & gay couples from marriage. The already compelling case for the freedom to marry became even stronger today.” Stuart Gaffney Media Director of MEUSA added, “Proposition 8 divided California into marriage haves & have-nots. Today the Administration is standing on the side of love by raising its voice in support of liberty, justice & marriage equality. Today’s actions bring us one step closer to the day when wedding bells can once again ring out for all loving couples in the Golden State & indeed across the nation." Marriage equality will go before the US Supreme Court next month. Updates to Come...:)

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