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Gay Marriage & The Ravens

By Charlotte Robinson, February 04, 2013
It’s very interesting how gay marriage seems to coincide with Super Bowl winners. Let’s start by congratulating the Baltimore Ravens on their win. We don’t think it is totally coincidental that gay marriage passed this year in Maryland & then The Ravens won the Super Bowl. Let’s go back a few years to 2004 when gay marriage became the law in Massachusetts. That year the New England Patriots won the Super Bowl following the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series for the first time in 80 years. (Finally breaking the curse that everyone believes was caused by trading Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees.) Then New York passed gay marriage in July of 2011 & last year the New York Giants were the Super Bowl Champions. Two weeks ago when watching the playoffs between NE & Baltimore I couldn’t help being moved by the fact that both of these teams represented states where marriage equality is the law. It was Baltimore’s time to win. Then there was last week’s anti gay slurs by San Francisco 49ers cornerback Chris Culliver. There is something to karma & negative energy in these situations. Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo, a fierce advocate for gay marriage, said he wasn’t surprised by that type of narrow-minded thinking stating, “I think in San Francisco & being from the Bay Area myself, we really try to preach love & acceptance of everybody. I couldn’t really say anything negative to the young man. It’s just one of those things you have to live & you have to learn. In the words of Martin Luther King, ‘You can’t fight hate with hate. You have to fight hate with love.” We believe that being on the right side of history also has its rewards. So what do you think about this theory? Let us know. Updates to Come…:)


Claude Baudoin said...

Thanks for this post, Charlotte. Last night, Facebook was predictably full of people either congratulating the Ravens or bemoaning the loss of the Forty-Niners. I responded to a couple of the latter kind of posts, saying that the 49ers will deserve to win again once they put a stop to the idiotically homophobic position of some of their players. This includes the guy who first claimed he didn't take part in a video for the It Gets Better project, and had to find another lame excuse when he was shown his own clip in it.

The interesting thing is that this year, THIS STUFF IS NEWS. Our own community is noticing and mentioning it, rather vocally, and others are noticing -- largely because we do post about it, and especially when we post in groups frequented by our straight friends, colleagues and families, not just in groups like this one where everyone already agrees. This visibility, and the negative notoriety gained by the homophobic 49ers, is an encouraging thing. We're not going to magically end homophobia, but we're making the homophobes squirm when their comments become public -- not unlike what happened to racists starting in the 1960s.

ABilly Jones-Hennin said...

Pretty amazing. Now let's get marriage equity on the map for California so that the SF 49'ers will be next year's Super Bowl Champs.

Gail Ahlers said...

I am amazed and ashamed that Rhode Island is still debating this issue. As a bisexual woman I am very aware that my life is only supported through the system because my partner is a man. What my life would look like if my pass loves had made it to the commitment stage would be viewed as less than.

This is discrimination and must change. love & commitment = marriage & equality

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