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New England A Gay Marriage Zone

By Charlotte Robinson, May 03, 2013

Now that Governor Lincoln Chafee has signed into law a bill to allow gay & lesbian couples to marry in Rhode Island, The Ocean State becomes the nation’s 10th marriage equality state & the final New England state to pass marriage equality. The bill signing brings to a close GLAD’s (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders) “6 x 12 Campaign” to make New England a marriage equality zone. Janson Wu, a staff attorney at GLAD stated. “It was thrilling to see Governor Chafee sign the marriage bill into law & affirm the equality of gay & lesbian couples in Rhode Island who want to publicly declare their love & commitment by joining in marriage. Thousands of Rhode Islanders have waited & worked hard for many years to ensure that all families would have the respect & recognition that only marriage provides & today is the culmination of their steadfast commitment to equality. This is a joyous milestone for the Ocean State & for our nation. GLAD salutes all of our coalition partners at Rhode Islanders United for Marriage, who worked so skillfully to bring us to this historic point.” GLAD has worked through the courts or legislatively – collaborating with partner organizations in each state – to achieve marriage equality throughout New England. Lee Swislow, GLAD Executive Director stated, “When we kicked off ‘6 x 12’ five years ago when Connecticut & Massachusetts were the only New England states where gay & lesbian couples could marry & just one other state allowed marriage at that time. Some thought our plan to make New England a marriage equality zone in just a few years was an overreach. But this movement has come so far, so fast thanks to the dedication & savvy of our partner organizations across the region & fair-minded New Englanders too numerous to count who support equality for their LGBT family members, friends & neighbors. We’ve re-dubbed our ‘6 x 12’ campaign ‘6 x 12.3,’ & that’s just fine.” The new marriage law takes effect Aug. 1st. GLAD has published the Rhode Island Marriage Guide a resource for couples considering marriage. Just think with next month’s Supreme Court decision federal rights could possibly follow. Updates to Come..:)
LISTEN: GLAD's Lee Swislow on DOMA & LGBT Rights
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Reverend Timmy said...

Deep in my heart I do believe that we shall overcome the evil myth of heterosexual-supremacy!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Have you see this incredibly powerful poem titled Becoming Legally Attached? If not you have to see it. It's the most thing I've ever read in favor of our right to marry! It's on this beautiful poster with the scales of justice in the background. But the beautiful words of brilliant yet at the same time simple common sense simply squashes all opposition to our rights.To view it just Google BECOMING LEGALLY ATTACHED-ART PRINTS The odd thing is with all it's power it can be read in a minute or less.
Larry Samuel JR.le

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