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NYC LGBT Law Project Gets Grant

By Charlotte Robinson, May 15, 2013

The New York Legal Assistance Group’s LGBT Law Project & the LGBT Bar Association Foundation of Greater New York (LeGaL Foundation) have been awarded a $9,000 grant from the Stonewall Community Foundation in support of the organizations’ LGBT Life Planning Clinic. The LGBT Life Planning Clinic assists community members of modest means with the preparation of long-term life planning documents, including health care proxies, living wills, wills & powers of attorney. As a result of the grant award, the clinic is now held regularly each Tuesday night at The Center in the West Village. Virginia Goggin, Coordinating Attorney of NYLAG’s LGBT Law Project stated, “We’re so pleased to receive this support. The grant not only enhances our ability to serve the community but also further strengthens our organizations’ collaboration.” Brad Snyder LeGaL’s Executive Director added, “We’re thrilled to see a service that began as a pilot project receive the support needed to expand. We’re looking forward to reaching more community members throughout New York City.” The clinic was created in response to the increasing need for life planning documents, which are vital to ensuring the greatest protections possible for the LGBT community in the face of continuing inequality under the law & ever-changing legal developments. The law firm of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, a generous supporter of both organizations, will host a May 20th CLE for attorneys interested in volunteering for the project.
For More Info: le-gal.org 
LISTEN: Cathy Marino-Thomas & Marriage Equality USA

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