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Anti LGBT Sochi Winter Olympics

By Charlotte Robinson, February 06, 2014

The White House announced that tennis superstar & gay icon Billie Jean King would not join the presidential delegation to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia due to the failing health of her mother who is 91. It doesn’t appear that The White House will replace King in the delegation but two openly gay athletes including figure skater Brian Boitano & former member of the United States women’s ice hockey team Caitlin Cahow are still scheduled to attend. When the International Olympic Committee made statements saying that any athlete who expresses support for LGBT equality including wearing rainbow pins during the events or ceremonies could face disciplinary action, possibly including disqualification, expulsion & being stripped of any medals won they should have drawn attention to NBC who is broadcasting the Sochi games & includes rainbow colors in their logo. But it’s all about big bucks & sponsor dollars isn’t it. Andre Banks, Executive Director & co-founder of All Out stated, “Olympic sponsors are failing to live up to their commitments. The IOC has confirmed that Principle 6 includes discrimination based on sexual orientation. Athletes all over the world are speaking out. We’ve just heard that the Russian government is considering amendments to the anti-gay laws. But sponsors continue to look the other way while gays & lesbians in Russia suffer.” Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President & CEO concluded, “"As all eyes turn to Sochi, media have a responsibility to shine light not only on the anti-LGBT Russian policies, but on the real stories of the horrific persecution facing LGBT families in Russia. These families cannot be kept invisible any longer." The Sochi Winter Olympics begin Feb 7th & run through Feb 23rd. Updates To Come...:)
Listen: Harvard India Conference To Address LGBT Rights

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

The absence of Billie Jean King is a huge turn of events and the Olympic Committee needs to do the right thing add more pressure to the Russian government to ease up and eliminate their recent ban on everything Gay.

Thanks for reporting this.

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