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New Gay Marriage Music Video

By Charlotte Robinson, February 15, 2014

Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) has premiered their long anticipated SHE4ME gay marriage music video PSA that everyone should check out. SHE4MarriageEquality or SHE4ME was born from the song SHE written & performed by singer-songwriter Jen Foster who also appears in the video. The project is a fabulous music video directed by award winning Writer/Director Nicole Conn. Nicole Conn stated, “When I was approached to come up with a concept for the SHE4ME supporting Marriage Equality, I was thrilled. My entire career has been devoted to creating books & films that provoke the viewer to experience the spectrum of emotions involved with love & passion & our goal here was to produce something that could communicate our message to a mass audience. Personally I feel Jen Foster's generous gift to our community will become the international anthem for civil liberty. I have been so honored to be a part of this incredible & beautiful message -- love that is pure & true must have the right to Marry. Love is Love. Period.” Brian Silva, Executive Director for Marriage Equality USA added, "Music & video projects like this have the power to impact millions of viewers by showing the love & commitment that is celebrated and protected by passing civil marriage equality for LGBTQ families." The video stars Nicole Pacent, Mike C. Manning, Gabrielle Christian & Barbara Niven & features two new young talents, dancer Jolie Ponchetti & actress Hazel Sepenuk. Everyone in LGBT community should see this video & share it with their extended families friends & allies.
For More Info: marriageequality.org
Listen: MEUSA Brian Silva On Gay Marriage In 2014

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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