Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) has premiered their long anticipated SHE4ME gay marriage music video PSA that everyone should check out. SHE4MarriageEquality or SHE4ME was born from the song SHE written & performed by singer-songwriter Jen Foster who also appears in the video. The project is a fabulous music video directed by award winning Writer/Director Nicole Conn. Nicole Conn stated, “When I was approached to come up with a concept for the SHE4ME supporting Marriage Equality, I was thrilled. My entire career has been devoted to creating books & films that provoke the viewer to experience the spectrum of emotions involved with love & passion & our goal here was to produce something that could communicate our message to a mass audience. Personally I feel Jen Foster's generous gift to our community will become the international anthem for civil liberty. I have been so honored to be a part of this incredible & beautiful message -- love that is pure & true must have the right to Marry. Love is Love. Period.” Brian Silva, Executive Director for Marriage Equality USA added, "Music & video projects like this have the power to impact millions of viewers by showing the love & commitment that is celebrated and protected by passing civil marriage equality for LGBTQ families." The video stars Nicole Pacent, Mike C. Manning, Gabrielle Christian & Barbara Niven & features two new young talents, dancer Jolie Ponchetti & actress Hazel Sepenuk. Everyone in LGBT community should see this video & share it with their extended families friends & allies.
For More Info: marriageequality.org
Listen: MEUSA Brian Silva On Gay Marriage In 2014
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
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