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Super Bowl Groundhog Day

By Charlotte Robinson, February 02, 2014

As NFL Super Bowl XLVIII gets ready for kickoff Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow predicting we have 6 more weeks of winter to endure. The media coverage of security in NYC & New Jersey for this mega event really reflects the toll 9/11 & the Boston Marathon Bombing has taken on this country. We’re dealing with global terrorism just like everyone else. Our innocence has been changed forever. We think we’re watching a football championship between the Seattle Seahawks & the Denver Broncos but this year it appears more like we’re showing our homeland security muscle. Could this be a dress rehearsal for Sochi? Is this is just a test or more? All the media outlets are obsessed with Super Bowl coverage & all our allies & adversaries are tuning in. Don’t miss out. Turn on your TV’s & watch what happens on Super Bowl Sunday 2014 as it unfolds. On the lighter side it’s going to be mild today in the 50’s in the Northeast. So as the military mulls around The Big Apple & Giant Stadium get your snacks ready to watch Seattle play Denver. Perhaps after the game some brave NFL Super Bowl Champion will come out & become a role model for our LGBT youth. Updates to Come…:)
Listen: Ted Allen Is Dining OUT to Fight HIV/AIDS
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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