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Boston Snow Lockdown

By Charlotte Robinson, February 10, 2015
Yes that is a mound of snow over a car. We’re totally snowed in here in Boston & doing everything possible to not go bonkers. Who needs to get to the gym when you have mountains of snow that has to be shoveled? The problem is there’s no place to put the snow when you do shovel it. Presently the sidewalks remain unplowed. We can use our parking lot entrance to get out but the front entrance is in a massive snowdrift. Boston snow emergency will stay in effect most of Tuesday. I just took a walk around my neighborhood & it’s all snowed in. The only people I saw on the street were carrying cross-country skis over their shoulders. The streets are actually pretty clear but the cars are totally snowed in. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said the city’s snow emergency & parking ban will stay in effect throughout all of today. We should be able to get out at least to walk to a store for supplies. Fortunately we did prepare somewhat for this leg of the storm. All MBTA subways & trains have been canceled but the buses are running on a limited schedule. Back-to-back-to-back storms have dropped almost 80 inches of snow on Boston in the last 17 days. About 2 feet fell Monday with more snow is possible for later this week. Governor Charlie Baker declared a State of Emergency stating, “Mother nature makes the rules."
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