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LGBT Celebrate Rosh Hashanah

By Charlotte Robinson, September 13, 2015
Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year begins at sundown tonight celebrating of the year 5776. Rosh Hashanah starts a 10-day period of introspection & contemplation culminating in Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement. Rosh Hashanah is marked with a special rituals. Prior to the arrival of the day it is customary to send new years greetings to friends, to buy new clothing & to examine ones behavior. On Rosh Hashanah eve you eat apples dipped in honey signifying a sweet year. At Rosh Hashanah services the day is marked with a special liturgy in which we pray for the whole world. A highlight of the Rosh Hashanah service is the sounding of the Shofar a ram's horn which is meant to shock the listener into self-examination. For a few years now there’s a LGBT inclusive prayer book for Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur. The contemporary text for Conservative congregations acknowledges LGBT relationships by making references to "partners", faltering faith, depression, loneliness & financial difficulties has been hailed as "an extraordinary event" by the Rabbinical Assembly the New York-based organization of Conservative rabbis that is behind its creation. Rabbi Jacob Luski of Congregation B'nai Israel states that the new prayer book brings a sensitivity to "issues of the 21st century" with its gender-neutral language & practical approach. "Yom Kippur is a fast day, yet some of us have medical issues. There is a prayer for those unable to fast. There is a prayer for caregivers. It's a sensitivity we've always had, but here there is a prayer just for that. There is a prayer for remembering a hurtful parent during the Yizkor, or memorial service, on Yom Kippur.” L'shanah tovah ("for a good year") to all our LGBT Jewish Families especially to all our Jewish LGBT newlyweds!!
LISTEN: Filmmakers Talk "Paul Taylor: Creative Domain" & More
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Anonymous said...

I don't understand why any self respecting gay or lesbian would involve themselves with this religion or most others that contain anti-gay ideology.

Charlotte Robinson said...

I don't know Jeff... There are homophobic people in all walks of life but my Jewish family certainly embraced my wife & I :)

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