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LGBT Diversity At The Emmys

By Charlotte Robinson, September 21, 2015
Now that marriage equality is the law of the land our LGBT community appears to be more mainstream at national awards shows than ever before. It’s now commonplace for our community to thank their spouses & partners along with the heterosexual winners. Just a few years ago this was a very bold move to come out on national television. Nowadays it’s our transgender community fight for full equality that’s taking center stage to pull on our heartstrings. When LGBT ally Jeffrey Tambor took home the award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series at the Emmys Sunday night for his role in "Transparent" he made the passionate plead for trans equality by stating, “I’d like to dedicate my performance & this award to the transgender community. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for your stories. Thank you for our inspiration. Thank you for letting us be part of the change. God bless.” Then LGBT ally Jill Soloway who won another Emmy for “Transparent” for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series, explained in her acceptance speech that if her real life transgender parent “Moppa” wanted to rent an apartment, 32 states laws would not protect her from housing discrimination based on her gender identity stating, “We don’t have a trans tipping point. We have a trans civil rights problem.” She then urged viewers to support what she called the Transequality bill referring to the Equality Act that would add gender identity & sexual orientation to a preexisting list of legal protections from discrimination for our LGBT community. This is all good but let’s not forget that in 28 states gay & lesbian couples can now legally marry but are still be at risk of being fired from their job, evicted from their apartment or denied a hotel room simply for who they are or whom they love.
LISTEN: Transgender Activist Diego Miguel Sanchez Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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