The Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival will celebrate its 10th anniversary with Year TENN: A Decade of Tennessee Williams in Provincetown from September 24th to 27th. The Festival features a collection of landmark productions & brand new plays that honor the Festival's past & the legacy of gay icon Tennessee Williams in what is known as the birthplace of American Theater. The nation's largest performing arts festival dedicated to Williams examines his work, life, evolving historical significance & the playwright's own connection to the quaint gay friendly community at the tip of Cape Cod. Williams lived & wrote in Provincetown which is considered the nation's oldest continuous art colony where literary works have been a hallmark of the town. Eugene O'Neil's first produced play Bound East For Cardiff was written in Provincetown in 1916. Each year since 2006 thousands of theater lovers have made a pilgrimage to Provincetown for a fresh & intriguing perspective on Williams' plays, as performed by theater groups from across the country & international artists. In its first decade the Festival has premiered 10 new works by Tennessee Williams that have since traveled worldwide. The Parade by Tennessee Williams will be presented this year. It’s an autobiographical one-act play that traces the poetic contours of Williams’ first true love & heartbreak in Provincetown starring Ben Berry as Don & directed by Jef Hall-Flavin.
For More Info & Tix: twptown.org
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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