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Massachusetts 2015 Lobby Day

By Charlotte Robinson, September 15, 2015
Under Massachusetts law there are no explicit protections ensuring that transgender people cannot be turned away from a hotel or denied service at a restaurant simply because of who they are. On September 17th hundreds of transgender Bay Staters will stand alongside their family, friends & allies in the Massachusetts Statehouse & together make the case to lawmakers that it’s time for full transgender equality. It’s time to pass legislation this year ensuring transgender people are protected from discrimination under our state’s public accommodation law, we need everyone to turn out for this event. The Freedom Massachusetts 2015 Lobby Day is to support updating state law to fully protect transgender people from discrimination & takes place Thursday Sept. 17th from 11:30A to 3:30P at the Massachusetts Statehouse 24 Beacon Street in Boston, MA. Jennifer Levi Transgender Rights Project Director for Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) stated, “We’ve come pretty far toward full LGBT equality here in Massachusetts. But as all of us who still experience discrimination daily in public spaces like restaurants, hotels or public transportation know - we’re not done yet. On Thursday September 17th I’ll be at the Statehouse urging lawmakers to pass legislation to ensure transgender people are explicitly protected from discrimination under our state’s public accommodation law. I hope you’ll join me. It’s going to take all of us – transgender people, friends, family members & allies – to make sure we pass this law this year. Sign up now to join me on September 17 & invite everyone you know who cares as much as you do about full equality. I’ll see you there!”
To Sign Up….
LISTEN: Transgender Activist Diego Miguel Sanchez Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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