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Pope Francis & LGBT Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, September 22, 2015
It’s embarrassing that in 2015 Vatican officials are still so homophobic about LGBT equality. They’re actually offended by the guest list that will be greeting Pope Francis at the White House on Wednesday including Bishop Gene Robinson the first openly gay Episcopal bishop in the US, Mateo Williamson a transgender Catholic, & Vivian Taylor a transgender Episcopalian among others. Sarah Kate Ellis CEO & President of GLAAD stated, “ I was born & raised in an Irish Catholic family. I remember receiving communion for the first time as a young girl - it was a monumental moment in my life. Now I'm raising two of my own children & I would love for them to have a positive relationship with the Church, as I did. We will be joining other national leaders at a reception for Pope Francis at the White House. What an incredible honor! But it's not enough. LGBT Catholics have felt rejected by the Church for too long. This meeting would promote great healing in our Church and society & be an incredible first step towards greater justice in the U.S. & across the globe. I strongly believe that Pope Francis has an opportunity to use his massive platform to welcome LGBT people back into the Catholic Church. Pope Francis gives us hope that families like mine will be accepted & respected. Which is why I am joining Nicholas Coppola & over 7,000 others to call on the Pope to sit down with LGBT Catholics during his visit.”
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LISTEN: Lawrence “Larry” Watson Talks LGBT Equality & More 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

We can only hope the Vatican can understand that a coming together, a meeting of all people is God's dream for us.

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