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Boston Home Décor Show Events

By Charlotte Robinson, November 11, 2015
The Boston Home Décor Show returns to The Cyclorama at the Boston Center for the Arts from November 19th through the 22nd. Tony Fusco & Robert Four are presenting a new show this year designed to capture the evolution of the collecting & design market that includes a broad range of historic, modern & contemporary home furnishings, fine art, decorative arts & home décor. The event launches with a fabulous Gala Preview on Thursday November 19th that will benefit DIFFA: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS which provides treatment & direct care services for people living with or impacted by the disease as well as offering preventative education programs targeted to populations at risk of infection, or supporting public policy initiatives. Then on Friday November 20th from 5P to 8P the Provincetown Film Society will be presenting “Scene & be Seen” a special evening event. Tony Fusco, Co-Producer, Fusco & Four/Ventures stated, "We are thrilled to be bringing DIFFA back to Boston. The chapter here was very strong for many years & we hope this will spark new interest in their amazing work by a whole new generation of Bostonians. We are also looking forward to hosting the Provincetown Film Society on Friday evening for a not-to-be-missed special evening." A wide range of special programs, events, exhibitor booth talks & demonstrations will enliven the show throughout the weekend. Info & Tix: bostonhomedecorshow.com
LISTEN: Ann Hampton Callaway Changing The World With Music 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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