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Catholic Gay Discrimination Case

By Charlotte Robinson, November 25, 2015
In Massachusetts there will be a court hearing on December 1st addressing the firing of Matthew Barrett who was offered & accepted the job of food services manager in July 2014 by Fontbonne Academy a Catholic girls’ preparatory school in Milton, MA. Two days later the offer was rescinded after Barret filled in an employment form listing his emergency contact as his husband, Ed Suplee. Barrett is represented by GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders). Ben Klein, GLAD Senior Staff Attorney who is litigating the case stated, “Religiously affiliated entities do not have a free pass to do as they please in how they treat employees, particularly when it comes to our important laws against discrimination. When Fontbonne Academy fired Matt from a job that has nothing to do with religion, they came down on the wrong side of the law.” Matthew Barrett added, “If I’m planning & making meals for students, I’m not sure what my being gay has to do with the job. I’ve always done well in my work & was excited about working at Fontbonne. All I did was fill out the form honestly.” In Barrett v. Fontbonne Academy the complaint alleges that with its termination of Barrett’s employment, Fontbonne Academy discriminated against him based on his sex & sexual orientation which violates the Commonwealth’s non-discrimination law. Barrett, who was born & raised in a Catholic family, lives in Dorchester with his husband & has worked in the food services industry for 20 years in positions of increasing responsibility, at restaurants, with corporate catering services & in public schools. Barrett v. Fontbonne Academy will have its first court hearing on Tuesday, December 1st at 3:30P in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham, Massachusetts.
For More Info: glad.org
LISTEN: Gay Latin Entertainer Migguel Anggelo Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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