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LGBT Refugees In America

By Charlotte Robinson, November 01, 2015
Recently the U.S. Department of State changed their guidelines that makes it easier for LGBT refugees & asylum seekers to have their partners join them in the United States. The State Department officially changed the interpretation of the term spouse under the Process Priorities, or P-3, family reunification program in order to allow gay & lesbian partners of qualified refugees & asylum seekers in the United States to file an affidavit of relationship in order to join their partners in the United States, even if they are not legally married. Many LGBT asylum seekers in the United States are fleeing persecution from their home countries because they are LGBT & unable to marry. Sharita Gruberg, Center for American Progress Senior Policy stated, “The State Department has made a small but important change to its regulations, which will allow for more LGBT asylum seekers to reunite with their families in the United States. Given that so few countries recognize gay & lesbian marriages, the State Department’s former requirement of marriage documents meant that LGBT refugees had to choose between safety & living with the ones they love. Though the policy change is an important step toward equality within the refugee system, it must be expanded from the limited number of countries recognized in the P-3 program.” This is a fabulous step forward for our global LGBT community.
For More Info: americanprogress.org
LISTEN: Chef Rossi Talks New Memoir The Raging Skillet
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

This really is a great step forward.....a huge relief for many LGBT people and their partners.

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