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Gen Silent Film To Air On LOGO

By Charlotte Robinson, November 06, 2015
Director Stu Maddux’s fabulous award winning documentary “Gen Silent” that highlights the issues of LGBT aging will broadcast on LOGO television on Monday November 9th at 8P EST. “Gen Silent” puts a face on what experts in the film call an epidemic; gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender seniors so afraid of being subject to discrimination or worse in long-term/health care that many go back into the closet. Their surprising decisions are captured through intimate access to their day-to-day lives over the course of a year in Boston, Massachusetts. This film has become one of the most important tools used around the world to educate people about this important LGBT aging issue. Barrie Atkin, Executive Producer of Gen Silent stated, “Since 2010, this extraordinary & moving documentary has changed lives around the world – helping build awareness of the unique challenges that older lesbian, gay, transgender & bisexual adults face as they age. “Gen Silent” is not just about the challenges of LGBT aging; it is a very important & “real” documentary about aging, period. It’s an important film for all of us to see, no matter what our age. Filmed in Boston in 2009, this documentary has truly mobilized a movement. “Gen Silent” has inspired audiences around the world to take action & received many awards for best documentary.” Check your local listing to find the LOGO channel in your area & LOGO On Demand.
Listen to 2010 audio byte with Director Stu Maddux & More:
LISTEN: Ann Hampton Callaway Changing The World With Music 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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