Chef Rossi is kicking off the official launch of her memoir
The Raging Skillet: The True Life of Chef Rossi with personal appearances throughout the northeast beginning at
Powerhouse Arena at 37 Main Street in Brooklyn at 7P. There will be a reading & some of her Raging hors d'oeuvres will be served with wine. Then off to Boston November 19th from 7P to 9P at the
Trident Bookstore & Café on 338 Newbury Street with a reading & tasting of Raging hors d'oeuvres. Both the above events are free & open to the public. Chef Rossi stated, “I am gearing up for my official book launch at The Powerhouse Arena in Brooklyn! Then we’re off to Boston on November 19th. Boston is such a magical, historic city! I can’t wait to celebrate my own journey of survival, passion, food & Chutzpah in this gorgeous city. I will be reading from my memoir
The Raging Skillet/ The True Life Story of Chef Rossi from the Feminist Press at the Trident Book Store & Café. And yes, of course noshes will be served!” On November 22nd on Cape Cod enjoy AN AFTERNOON WITH ROSSI fundraiser for WOMR-FM. A $15 donation is suggested & tickets can be purchased through
WOMR or at the door. This event takes place from 3P to 5P at Preservation Hall at 335 Main Street in Wellfleet, Massachusetts & Raging hors d'oeuvres will be served at this reading. Then on December 3rd Rossi will be at the Green Building in Gowanus Brooklyn hosting a fundraiser for
The Feminist Press Challahday Party. Raging hors d’oeuvres will be served with an open bar & Rossi will be reading plus a chance to dance the night way with your favorite feminists! Tickets for this fundraiser are $40 or $60 for generous & $250 for VIP!
For More Info…
LISTEN: Chef Rossi Talks New Memoir The Raging Skillet
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
time to spread peace love joy and the magic of food...
food is love!
and love wins!
I'm looking forward to a night of camaraderie, laughter and great tastes. Boston, don't miss this!
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