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Donald Trump & Mike Pence Ban

By Charlotte Robinson, July 17, 2016
We’ve heard for days that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump was going to select Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate but actually watching it happen was still shocking. Listening to Trump rant & rave for over twenty minutes on everything but the issues before Pence was brought on stage for his media debut was odd to say the least. Then it happened as openly homophobic Indiana Governor Mike Pence took the stage & the deed was done. This is very troubling for LGBT Americans. Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director, Equality Forum stated, “The selection of anti-gay crusader Governor Mike Pence, along with the homophobic Republican party platform & a deafening silence on the LGBT Equality Act completes a trifecta of hate from Donald Trump on LGBT rights. Although Trump claims he’s a ‘friend’ of the LGBT community, his rhetoric is in direct contrast to his actions which are deeply troubling & sends chills down the backs of 20 million LGBT Americans & to those who believe in civil rights for all citizens.” Besides Governor Pence signing into law the 2015 bill that permitted business owners in Indiana to refuse service to gay & lesbian customers due to their religious beliefs his record in Congress is more alarming. Pence co-sponsored a constitutional amendment opposing the rights of gay & lesbian couples to marry, voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), voted against hate crimes legislation protecting LGBT people & voted against the repeal of the military’s discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The Republican National Convention begins tomorrow. Fasten your seat belts....
LISTEN: Congressmen Talk Lifting Gay & Bisexual Blood Ban
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

A ride I can't believe is actually happening........my heart is heavy with sadness, dismay and so much more.... does history repeat itself.....they laughed at and parodied Hitler too!

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