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Sarah McBride To Speak At DNC

By Charlotte Robinson, July 25, 2016
Sarah McBride who became national press secretary for HRC last month will appear at the DNC in Philadelphia this Thursday becoming the first openly transgender person to speak at a major party convention. McBride stated, “I’m honored for this opportunity to share my story & to be the first transgender person to speak at a major party convention. People must understand that even as we face daily harassment, tragic violence & an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ political attacks across the country, we are real people merely seeking to be treated with the dignity & respect every person deserves. I’m so proud to stand with the LGBT Caucus & speak out in support of Hillary Clinton, because we know she stands with us.” Last May when we asked Sarah what her personal commitment is to LGBT equality she stated, “I come to this work not only as someone who is transgender but as someone who has loved someone who is transgender. I met my future husband Andy fighting for trans equality & we fell in love. A couple of months after we started dating Andy was diagnosed with cancer & despite getting a clean bill of health several months later eventually his cancer came back & it was terminal. Andy & I decided to get married in August of 2014 & just 4 days after we married he passed away. For me I carry my relationship with Andy with me in my LGBT advocacy work. I carry it with me because one of the most important lessons that I have learned from that experience at 23 years old at the time was that every day matters & this fight every day matters building a world where every person can live their life to the fullest; where every person has a roof over their head & job opportunities based on their skills & their talent & their work ethnic & not on their identity. Every day matters when it comes to just being yourself & so for me that’s probably my biggest personal motivation in this work. It’s not just about who I am but people I love.”
LISTEN: Trans Activist Sarah McBride Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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