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Melania Trump Steals The Show

By Charlotte Robinson, July 19, 2016
All day we knew Melania Trump would be the keynote speaker for the primetime network media coverage of the first night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Then when she finally took center stage after being introduced by Donald Trump in his dramatic Hollywood entrance Melania delivered a speech that mirrored almost word to word phases from Michelle Obama's speech from the 2008 Democratic National Convention & instead of owning up to it Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort has taken the course of total denial. This is just the beginning folks. We warned you to fasten your seatbelts for this appalling display of the lowest possible denominator America has to offer & the GOP is living up to our predictions. I bet you thought it couldn’t get worse after they brought on Pat Smith the mother of a State Department IT consultant who died in Benghazi told the Republican National Committee that she personally blames Hillary Clinton for the death of her son Sean. Why stop there? Let’s blame every president for all the men & women that have died in war. Then we had all the Blue Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter & the mention of the killings that have taken place recently in this country with the total absence of the Orlando Massacre because we all know for the GOP our LGBT community doesn’t exist. At least not until they spew their anti LGBT rhetoric in our direction & you know they will.
LISTEN: Congressmen Talk Lifting Gay & Bisexual Blood Ban
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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