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Orlando LGBT Faith Event In NYC

By Charlotte Robinson, July 20, 2016
Union Theological Seminary will present leaders of the Orlando & New York LGBTQ faith communities for a public discussion about ways to build lasting bridges among faith groups & marginalized communities across the nation. The session is free & will be held on Thursday, July 21st 12:30P to 2P at James Chapel located at Union's Morningside Heights campus at 3041 Broadway at 121st Street in New York City. The mass slaughter at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12th left the nation reeling & searching for answers on how to stop violence against members of the LGBTQ community, lessen resentment of immigration & senseless gun violence. The Rev. Fred Davie, Executive Vice President of Union Theological Seminary who served by appointment of President Obama on the White House Council on Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships & currently serves on the New York City Mayor's Clergy Advisory Council will lead the panel discussion stating, "Bigotry in America is real -- it is ontological. It has being. Fear & insecurity are its lifeblood. It presents in all forms. Overt. Ugly. Aggressive. Lethal. Subtle. Micro. Genteel. And we feed our American beast of bigotry with fears of all kinds & arm it with guns & so it metastasizes into a mass killer of men, women & children. We need to begin a sustained national public conversation about concrete ways to reduce violence, increase respect & tolerance & tackle the festering & explosive underlying issues of race, bigotry & class in America. We at Union want to support this critically needed public discussion which is the basis for hope & a more peaceful future."
Listen: Nadine Smith Talks Disarming Hate After Orlando Massacre
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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