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Equality California & Gun Safety

By Charlotte Robinson, July 02, 2016
California Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law six gun safety bills that ban possession of high capacity assault rifle magazines, regulate the sale & possession of ammunition, expand background checks, limit loans of firearms & ban the resale of a gun to someone legally barred from purchasing it. The new laws were supported by Equality California & 19 other LGBT & HIV organizations as part of Equality California’s Safe & Equal campaign against gun violence. Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California stated, “The bills signed into law today are a historic step in keeping Californians safe from gun violence. We’re grateful to the governor, to Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, to Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon & to members of the legislature for maintaining California’s leadership in enacting tough, commonsense laws that protect all of us.” Equality California is the nation’s largest statewide LGBT civil rights organization dedicated to creating a fair & just society. Their mission is to achieve and maintain full & lasting equality, acceptance & social justice for all people in diverse LGBT communities, inside & outside of California. Through electoral, advocacy, education & mobilization programs, they strive to create a broad & diverse alliance of LGBT people, educators, government officials, communities of color & faith, labor, business & social justice communities to achieve their goals.
For More Info: eqca.org
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