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By Charlotte Robinson, July 29, 2016
We at OUTTAKE VOICES have supported Hillary Clinton for President since we launched our media network in 2007. Last night finally seeing Hillary accepting the Democratic Nomination for President was very emotional. Not only because she made history by becoming the first woman to be endorsed for president by a major political party in this country but she also made a point to embraced our entire LGBT community. When I attended the 2004 DNC Convention in Boston speakers could hardly even utter the word gay. Now 12 years later the DNC Convention displayed real LGBT inclusion in almost every speaker’s speech. We also had Chad Griffin President of the Human Rights Campaign passionately representing our community & Sarah McBride became the first openly transgender person to speak at a major party convention & she rocked it. Hopefully next time though it would be nice if our LGBT leaders received a better time slot but you can see their speeches on HRC. Now for a bit of compassion & advise for all the diehard Bernie Sanders supporters. We totally understand how difficult & painful this nomination has been for you. We feel your pain because we felt exactly that way 8 years ago when Barack Obama became the democratic nominee. But we took the high road & got behind the candidate & last night 8 years later we celebrated. In conclusion we must do everything we can in our collective power to defeat Donald Trump. He is a dangerous threat to our freedom & everything this country stands for. Hopefully his hate spewing campaign will self-implode but in case it doesn’t we will be doing everything we can to make sure Hillary Clinton becomes the 45th President & we will continue to move forward together.
(Hillary Clinton Portrait by Charis Tsevis) 
For More Info: hillaryclinton.com
Listen: Nadine Smith Talks Disarming Hate After Orlando Massacre
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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