Following the shootings in June at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, a spike in homicides of LGBT people & an ongoing worldwide epidemic of murders of transgender women, Equality California has made enacting gun safety measures a key part of its program & advocacy work & has endorsed Proposition 63 the “Safety for All” ballot initiative backed by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California stated, "Orlando was a call to action & a reminder that ending gun violence must be a top priority for the LGBT community. But even before Orlando, gun safety was an LGBT issue, because LGBT people suffer disproportionately from gun violence. Proposition 63 will help close remaining loopholes in California's gun safety laws & help ensure that no community has to suffer another Orlando, San Bernardino or Newtown." Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom concluded, "It is vital for our state to come together on this important issue & I am so glad to have Equality California join the Proposition 63 campaign as an endorser & as a key leader in the LGBT community. More than 32,000 Americans are killed every year due to gun violence & the LGBT community is disproportionately targeted. The result is the massacre we saw in Orlando. This is an epidemic that is preventable & with strong leaders & organizations coming together we can make our communities safe again."
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LISTEN: Jai Rodriguez Talks Help Is On The Way Gala Aug 21
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
1 comment:
Bravo California...Hoping that state by state, gun safety regulations will be passed.
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