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Women's Equality Day 2016

By Charlotte Robinson, August 26, 2016
Thanks to Congresswoman Bella Abzug who successfully introduced & passed the resolution in 1972 making August 26th Women's Equality Day to celebrate the anniversary of the 19th Amendment when women finally achieved the right to vote in 1920 in the USA. Then 96 years later finally a woman has become the democratic candidate for president. Stacey Long Simmons, Director of Public Policy & Government Affairs, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund stated, “In so many ways, today’s on-going struggle for women’s equality calls to mind the line from A Tale of Two Cities…’It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...’ We have seen recent victories in the U.S. Supreme Court that protect vital reproductive rights; we cheered the record-breaking wins of women athletes at the Olympics that are in no small part due to the impact of Title IX & other civil rights laws; & we’ve collectively witnessed the historic moment when a woman has finally won the presidential nomination of a major political party. But far too many challenges remain for women in this society. Women still lack paid leave, face workplace discrimination, are persecuted for exercising their constitutionally protected freedoms & live under the ever-present threat of physical violence. For women of color & trans women of color, the disparities are greater and the conditions are even more dire.” So we’ve come a long way baby but there’s still much more to be done.
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Stacey is right, but women are prepared to forge forward...there's no stopping us now!

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