Equality Florida, faith leaders & family members of victims of the Pulse shooting were joined by hundreds of local progressives today outside the “Rediscovering God in America” conference in Orlando to call out Marco Rubio & Donald Trump. Exactly two months after the Pulse Nightclub shooting presidential candidate Donald Trump & Senator Marco Rubio are the headline attendees for a conference at the Orange County Convention Center just miles from where the shooting that shook Orlando & the nation took place. The event is sponsored by the American Family Association & features the Liberty Counsel both notoriously anti-LGBT organizations dubbed hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Hannah Willard with Equality Florida stated, "For Donald Trump & Marco Rubio to support & appear at this gathering, so close in time & distance to an event that has forever changed our community, is nothing short of offensive & heartless. That is why we came together as a community today, to call for an end to hatred & bigotry of all kinds. Clearly, Trump & Rubio are trying to downplay their own record & distance themselves from the hateful rhetoric of those behind this event. But we are not going to allow them to demean & dehumanize LGBTQ people & our families, least of all in our city that is still mourning the horrific result of homophobia & senseless gun violence.”
For More Info: eqfl.org
Listen: Nadine Smith Talks Disarming Hate After Orlando Massacre
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
1 comment:
Hatred will not win. Love will win. Know that all people of good heart are there with you today.
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