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Elliot Tiber In Woodstock Heaven

By Charlotte Robinson, August 16, 2016
We just heard that Elliot Tiber has passed at 81 in Boca Raton, Florida. We had Elliot on OUTTAKE VOICES last December to talk about his fabulous memoir entitled “After Woodstock” which completed his trilogy following the critically acclaimed “Palm Trees on the Hudson” & his breakout bestseller “Taking Woodstock” co-written with Tom Monte & made into a feature film by director Ang Lee. He passed away on Wednesday August 3rd just a handful of days before the 47th anniversary of Woodstock which took place August 15th to 18th in 1969. I talked to Tiber about the inspiration for his new memoir & his spin on our LGBT issues. When asked what his personal commitment is to LGBT civil rights Tiber stated: “It’s amazing to me there is such a movement & such an organization that’s worldwide because when I was coming out there were no groups, there was nobody to talk to. There were no companions, no people you could come out & say ‘Hey I’m gay & you’re gay let’s be friends’, no such thing. So seeing this develop into a movement it’s very inspiring to me and hopeful to me. I’m 80 years old now, it’s a little late for me & I’m in forced celibacy now at 80. I feel good that the new generation have a model someplace to look to find some answers & carry on with their own lives & hopefully these people go the next step further. I don’t know what that would be at the moment but the next step further so that we’re all equal which we should be.” Elliot Tiber Rest In Peace.
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LISTEN: Jai Rodriguez Talks Help Is On The Way Gala Aug 21
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