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Jonathan Allen Sings “AMEN”

By Charlotte Robinson, August 31, 2016
Jonathan Allen the openly gay semifinalist of “America’s Got Talent” Season 8 that we talked to on OUTTAKE VOICES a few years ago has premiered his brand new single titled “AMEN” that’s now available on iTunes, Spotify & other major digital distributors. This is the singer’s first release since his appearances at Radio City Music Hall on the hit TV show. Allen stated, “AMEN was primarily arranged & produced in my home & speaks to the many trials & tribulations that we all face, but is an LGBT liberation song at its heart. The song touches on several issues that surround the community in day-to-day life & in the political realm. The song attempts to chip away at many issues by starting a dialogue that shows people we all can believe the same things, deal with the same things & be torn apart by the very same things that should bring us together. Despite the title, AMEN is a song that transcends any one belief system. It is not so much about Christianity as it is about breaking free from hatred & celebrating love on this Earth in the highest form possible.” For the last year Jonathan has based himself out of Albuquerque, New Mexico where he has established his business & worked on his music. Since his appearance on the show he has matured in his musical endeavors. Combined with strikingly original music & euphoric live performances he has become recognized as one of the most captivating artists around. In this exclusive audio byte I talked to Jonathan about his music: LISTEN
For More Info: officialjonathanallen.com
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Jonathan has the right idea ....universal equality for all.

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