The first gathering of men in Larry Kramer’s living room 35 years ago provided the foundation for Gay Men’s Health Crisis now the nation's leading provider of HIV & AIDS care, prevention services & advocacy serving nearly 10,000 people living with & affected by HIV & AIDS in New York City which is the epicenter of the epidemic in the U.S. As the world's first HIV & AIDS service organization, GMHC is an expert in providing services that every person affected by the epidemic deserves. Kelsey Louie GMHC CEO stated, “Thirty five years ago a group of brave men gathered in Larry Kramer’s living room in the West Village of Manhattan to discuss the "gay cancer" that was affecting their friends & lovers. Choosing hope & strength over fear & helplessness, a hat was soon passed around and $7,000 was collected to fight this disease. The next year, in 1982, the world’s first AIDS service organization, Gay Men’s Health Crisis, was formally incorporated with a mission of fighting to end the AIDS epidemic & uplifting the lives of all affected… In 2015, GMHC served 10,000 clients. We provided 3,000 HIV & STD tests, maintained a 90% viral suppression rate of those who tested positive, served 80,000 hot meals & opened a newly renovated youth space. We are currently in the process of introducing new mental health & substance abuse clinics to meet the growing mental health crisis in this country. And, we re-launched our historic Buddy Program to meet the unmet needs of HIV and AIDS long-term survivors.” In this exclusive audio interview legendary activist & playwright Larry Kramer who was the pioneering co-founder of Gay Men’s Health Crisis & ACT UP talks about how his play “The Normal Heart” eventually found its audience & his frustration with the current AIDS national research policies.
For More Info: GMHC.org
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