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GMHC 35 Years Fighting HIV/AIDS

By Charlotte Robinson, August 14, 2016
The first gathering of men in Larry Kramer’s living room 35 years ago provided the foundation for Gay Men’s Health Crisis now the nation's leading provider of HIV & AIDS care, prevention services & advocacy serving nearly 10,000 people living with & affected by HIV & AIDS in New York City which is the epicenter of the epidemic in the U.S. As the world's first HIV & AIDS service organization, GMHC is an expert in providing services that every person affected by the epidemic deserves. Kelsey Louie GMHC CEO stated, “Thirty five years ago a group of brave men gathered in Larry Kramer’s living room in the West Village of Manhattan to discuss the "gay cancer" that was affecting their friends & lovers. Choosing hope & strength over fear & helplessness, a hat was soon passed around and $7,000 was collected to fight this disease. The next year, in 1982, the world’s first AIDS service organization, Gay Men’s Health Crisis, was formally incorporated with a mission of fighting to end the AIDS epidemic & uplifting the lives of all affected… In 2015, GMHC served 10,000 clients. We provided 3,000 HIV & STD tests, maintained a 90% viral suppression rate of those who tested positive, served 80,000 hot meals & opened a newly renovated youth space. We are currently in the process of introducing new mental health & substance abuse clinics to meet the growing mental health crisis in this country. And, we re-launched our historic Buddy Program to meet the unmet needs of HIV and AIDS long-term survivors.” In this exclusive audio interview legendary activist & playwright Larry Kramer who was the pioneering co-founder of Gay Men’s Health Crisis & ACT UP talks about how his play “The Normal Heart” eventually found its audience & his frustration with the current AIDS national research policies.  

For More Info: GMHC.org
LISTEN: LGBT Global Business & Leadership Conference
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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